The more natural the food, the better. Better for health and better for weight loss. Natural food is not absolutely perfect, nor is it likely to be 100 per cent natural, but it's LESS likely to be fattening and MORE likely to be healthy. Most of us are operating in a semi-starved condition. Of course, as we see in the news reports this is the reality for many persons in the world today. However, this condition also applies to the majority of United States residents.

Natural weight loss Advice

Eat three well-balanced meals a day. Each meal should include protein, healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, and non-starchy vegetablesAim for carbs that are low on the GI

Drink 8 glasses of water per day

Eat two small snacks per day that also include some protein

Take a multivitamin and mineral supplement daily

Use a food journal to understand your relationship to food - why you eat, when you eat, how it makes you feel

Exercise 5 times per week - three 3 cardio/interval sessions, and 2 weight-training sessions.

Eat Fiber and Maintain A Healthy Weight One way to maintain a healthy weight is to detoxify and cleanse your digestive system.

Eating fiber helps by absorbing excess toxins. Visit for more info. Make Healthier Choices In Nutrition A healthier diet is not about how much you eat, measuring portions, counting calories or cutting carbs.

Try eating foods high in fiber. Visit for more info. Parslane seeds can be used effectively for treating diabetes.

Consume a tsp of these seeds with half-cup water on a daily basis for about 3-4 months. It aids in enhancing the body’s insulin level.It's not very exciting, but if you truly want to ditch the pounds once and for all, this is the only truly effective way to do it.

Diet Tips For Weight LossCount how many calories you eat in one day: You have to reduce the number of calories, you can do this by becoming more active, exercising (in case you exercise you need more water), or by eating less. People leading moderately active lives need about 15 calories per pound to maintain their bodyweight.

If you eat more calories that you burn off during the day, the result will be that the calories will be stored as fat. The basic nutritional needs of most people are approximately 2,000 calories a day for women and 2,500 for men. People, who are very active, such as professional athletes, may need 4,000 or more.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers require about 300-500 more calories/day. Lower the carbohydrates: Carbohydrates will eventually turn into fat. Foods like bread, rice, pasta; potato’s, etc. are high in carbohydrates. When limiting carbs, you still need to satisfy basic nutritional needs, just only eat a little of it! Make sure that your diet contains all the essential nutrients for good health. At least 100 grams of carbs per day are needed to prevent fatigue and dangerous fluid imbalances.

Instead of eating 3 big meals a day, spread your meals, five or six small meals a day can help you control your hunger.

To keep extra pounds off, you must stay motivated! It is never too late to make changes in eating and exercise habits to control your bodyweight, and those changes do not have to be as big as you might think.

As growing numbers feel that modern medicine fails to address the issues that are important to them, people are increasingly turning to nutritional, dietary and herbal supplements to prevent diseases and promote general good health.

Nutritional supplements can provide the essential elements our bodies need to thrive, and to achieve optimum health.

Our ancestors diets consisted of a lot of very high fiber vegetables and fruits, some nuts, and for most, some seafood and/or very lean meat. This is the diet our human digestive systems evolved on. This is the diet we’re designed to eat.

You should focus on daily exercise and an eating plan based on natural, whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seafood rich in omega 3s,and limited lean meat.Within two to three weeks, high cholesterol plummets. Hypertension disappears. Many diabetics no longer need their medications. Excess weight melts away. And energy levels soar.Our health improves quickly and dramatically

whole grains, starchy vegetables beans and peas.Several servings of raw or cooked vegetables. Four or more servings of whole fruit daily.Not more than 2 servings of skimmed milk or non fat cheese.Not more than 100 grams of lean meat, daily. And remember chicken is better than meat ,and fish is better than chicken.Optimally, limit poultry to no more than one serving per week,and red meat, to no more than one serving per month.If you are a vegetarianinstead of animal protein,choose from beans, lentils,or peas.Keep away from chocolates cakes,and fried food.

Some weight loss tips

Keep away from fatty meats, and processed meats, like hot dogs and bacon .

Drink a minimum of 6 glasses of water daily.

Coffee and alcoholic beverages in moderation.

Limit the consumption of oils, to no more than one teaspoon per 1000 calories consumed.

Avoid animal fats.Avoid added salt,and highly salted,pickled and smoked foods.


The benefits of exercise are enormous.You will lose weight, get fit, and achieve optimal health. You'll look and feel healthier, happier, and younger.Even a simple half hour walk,daily is highly beneficial.